Our Blogs on 'General Business'

The latest in SEO, Websites and anything related to digital marketing.

How your digital marketing agency can provide a discount without cutting yourself short

How your digital marketing agency can provide a discount without cutting yourself short

Best ways to provide discounts for ‘new’ customers Yes, we understand, times are tough for just about all people and businesses thanks to the world being closed for years over a cold so some really rich people who probably support Jeffery Epstein get even more rich. Look at where we are heading now, not a…
Top 6 reasons why local SEO services for small businesses very important

Top 6 reasons why local SEO services for small businesses very important

The world has gone digital. It’s not going digital; it’s not some event that’s going to happen in the not-too-distant future – that future is now, and your business should be capitalising on it, no matter how big or small you are. If you’re one of the 49% of small business owners who don’t have…
Why did Elon Musk buy Twitter (& what happens now)?

Why did Elon Musk buy Twitter (& what happens now)?

Note: This is an opinion piece written by one of our staff at Digital Debut. Tesla CEO and world’s richest person Elon Musk has agreed to buy Twitter to the tune of USD $44 billion. Musk says that his primary aim of the acquisition was to make Twitter more aligned with the ideals of free…
What will happen if Google & Facebook leave Australia?

What will happen if Google & Facebook leave Australia?

The Australian parliament is set to pass legislation that would make Google and Facebook pay news outlets for publishing their content. The regulation is designed to ensure Australian media outlets, big and small, receive adequate funding after Google and Facebook began taking the bulk of Australian online advertising spend. Don’t ask us why, our government…
How Ecommerce businesses are making a fortune during COVID-19

How Ecommerce businesses are making a fortune during COVID-19

COVID-19 has had massive implications on Australian public health and economy. As of September 9, 2020, Australia has registered 26,374 cases of the virus, as well as entering its first recession in 29 years. Businesses are closing at an unprecedented rate and this is just one of the great tragedies that the pandemic has imposed…
Getting Back Clients For Your Digital Marketing Agency

Getting Back Clients For Your Digital Marketing Agency

Well, 2020 has definitely been a year that none of us will forget, especially for businesses! With the current situation we are all in today we can all get a little bit frantic and determined to get back some recent lost digital marketing clients, however we all need to understand that we are mostly all…
We need to remember that not everyone is qualified to give advice

We need to remember that not everyone is qualified to give advice

As humans, we have the innate ability to inspire and create, motivating those around us to push bigger and better beyond their current situation. Sometimes that has a profound effect, but in other times, it can cause serious damage or wind up with people following misinformation. Ultimately, we need to remember that not everyone is…
The digital world opens new working from home jobs for Australians

The digital world opens new working from home jobs for Australians

Whether we’ve faced it before or not, having to work from home is now a law-enforced must. We no longer have the choice (without reason) to head outside and do what we want. It’s during this time that, as a nation, we need to stick by the regulations the government is enforcing, and do the…
Stopping your Digital Marketing because of COVID-19 might not be a great idea

Stopping your Digital Marketing because of COVID-19 might not be a great idea

“We are living in a digital world but seems like we are going back to the older ages” Note: This is just a point of view, always listen to what your government has suggested and always stay vigilant, keep clean and be smart! If your business needs any information or support please check the Coronavirus…
How to Manage Stress in the Workplace

How to Manage Stress in the Workplace

While stressful phases at the job are common, constant and excessive workplace stress can have long-lasting, adverse effects on your life. It not only interferes with your productivity and performance, but the stress of work can also creep into your personal life, impacting important relations and quality of life. Apart from that, it also affects…

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